(European Medicines Agency Authorisation of Medicines DataBase)
商品名称 适用类别 通用名称 活性成分 产品号 上市许可持有人/公司名称 上市批准日期 授权状态
Nepexto Human etanercept etanercept EMEA/H/C/004711 Biosimilar Collaborations Ireland Limited 2020/05/20 Authorised
Erelzi Human etanercept etanercept EMEA/H/C/004192 Sandoz GmbH 2017/06/23 Authorised
Lifmior Human etanercept etanercept EMEA/H/C/004167 Pfizer Europe MA EEIG 2017/02/13 Withdrawn
Benepali Human etanercept etanercept EMEA/H/C/004007 Samsung Bioepis NL B.V. 2016/01/13 Authorised
Enbrel Human etanercept etanercept EMEA/H/C/000262 Pfizer Europe MA EEIG 2000/02/02 Authorised


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