Peptonized Iron
Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Peptonized Iron
Additional Names: Iron peptonized
Trademarks: Saferon
Literature References: A compd of iron oxide and peptone, rendered sol by the presence of Na citrate, contg 16-18% Fe. The iron is in nonionic form, hence not detectable by the usual reactions and is assumed to be more readily assimilated. Prepn: U.S.D., 25th ed., p 1800.
Properties: Dark brown, lustrous granules or brown powder. Characteristic odor and taste. Affected by light. Freely sol in water, yielding neutral or alkaline solns. Practically insol in alcohol. Protect from light.
Therap-Cat: Hematinic.
Keywords: Hematinic.
Status: This monograph has been retired and is no longer subject to revision or update.

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