Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Albendazole
CAS Registry Number: 54965-21-8
CAS Name: [5-(Propylthio)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]carbamic acid methyl ester
Additional Names: methyl 5-(propylthio)-2-benzimidazolecarbamate; 5-(propylthio)-2-carbomethoxyaminobenzimidazole
Manufacturers' Codes: SKF-62979
Trademarks: Albenza (GSK); Eskazole (GSK); Valbazen (Pfizer); Zentel (GSK)
Molecular Formula: C12H15N3O2S
Molecular Weight: 265.33
Percent Composition: C 54.32%, H 5.70%, N 15.84%, O 12.06%, S 12.08%
Literature References: Prepn: R. J. Gyurik, V. J. Theodorides, US 3915986 (1975 to SmithKline). Anthelmintic spectrum: V. J. Theodorides, Experientia 32, 702 (1976). Metabolism: R. J. Gyurik et al., Drug Metab. Dispos. 9, 503 (1981). Efficacy in cattle vs gastrointestinal parasites: J. C. Williams et al., Am. J. Vet. Res. 38, 2037 (1977); vs liver flukes: T. M. Craig et al., ibid. 53, 1170 (1992). Clinical trial in mixed helminth infections: P. Pene et al., Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 31, 263 (1982); in echinococcosis: R. J. Horton, Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 83, 97 (1989).
Properties: Colorless crystals, mp 208-210°. Sol in DMSO, strong acids, strong bases; slightly sol in methanol, chloroform, ethyl acetate, acetonitrile. Practically insol in water.
Melting point: mp 208-210°
Derivative Type: Sulfoxide
CAS Registry Number: 54029-12-8
Additional Names: Albendazole oxide; ricobendazole; rycobendazole
Manufacturers' Codes: RS-8852
Trademarks: Rycoben (Novartis)
Molecular Formula: C12H15N3O3S
Molecular Weight: 281.33
Percent Composition: C 51.23%, H 5.37%, N 14.94%, O 17.06%, S 11.40%
Literature References: Active metabolite of albendazole. Bioavailability: L. Dominguez et al., Farmaco 50, 697 (1995).
Properties: mp 226-228° (dec).
Melting point: mp 226-228° (dec)
Therap-Cat: Anthelmintic (Cestodes).
Therap-Cat-Vet: Anthelmintic.
Keywords: Anthelmintic (Cestodes).

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