Coconut Oil
(koe' ko nut oyl).

Coconut oil     [8001-31-8].
Coconut Oil is the refined fixed oil of the seeds of Cocos nucifera L. (Fam. Palmae).
•  A. It meets the requirements in Specific Tests for Fats and Fixed Oils, Fatty Acid Composition 401.
•  Arsenic, Method II 211: NMT 0.5 µg/g
•  Alkaline Impurities
Sample:  10 mL of Coconut Oil
Analysis:  Mix 10 mL of freshly distilled acetone and 0.3 mL of water, and add 0.05 mL of bromophenol blue TS. Neutralize the solution to a green color if necessary with 0.01 N hydrochloric acid or 0.01 N sodium hydroxide. Add the Sample, shake, and allow to stand. Titrate with 0.01 N hydrochloric acid VS to change the color of the upper layer to yellow.
Acceptance criteria:  NMT 0.1 mL of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid VS is required.
•  Fats and Fixed Oils, Acid Value 401: NMT 0.5, determined on 20.0 g
•  Fats and Fixed Oils, Fatty Acid Composition 401: Coconut Oil exhibits the composition profile of fatty acids, shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Carbon-Chain Length Number of Double Bonds Percentage
6 0 1.5
8 0 5.0–11.0
10 0 4.0–9.0
12 0 40.0–50.0
14 0 15.0–20.0
16 0 7.0–12.0
18 0 1.5–5.0
20 0 0.2
16 1 1.0
18 1 4.0–10.0
18 2 1.0–3.0
18 3 0.2
20 1 0.2
•  Water Determination, Method I 921: NMT 0.1%, 50 mL of chloroform being used as the solvent instead of 35–40 mL of methanol
•  Packaging and Storage: Preserve in tight, light-resistant, well-filled containers. No storage requirement specified.
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Topic/Question Contact Expert Committee
Monograph Robert H. Lafaver, M.S.
Scientific Liaison
(EXC2010) Monographs - Excipients
USP35–NF30 Page 1761
Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 32(2) Page 397