Not official USP-NF text
PF LGS# Brand Type of Test Additional Information
27(3) L1 Inertsil ODS-3 Assay 4.6-mm x 25-cm, 5-µm.
24(2) L1 Symmetry C18 Assay NULL
28(5) L18 Partisil 10 PAC Assay 4.4 mm x 25 cm.
10(2) L3 MicroPorasil Assay and Limit of . . . . Limit of foreign prostaglandins.
26(3) L1 Spherisorb ODS2 Assay and Limit of . . . . Limit of foreign prostaglandins. 4.6-mm x 25-cm, 5 µm.
10(2) L3 LiChrosorb Si 100 Limit of . . . . . . . . . prostaglandin A1, prostaglandin B1, and 13,14-dihydroprostaglandin E1
24(2) G43 None Cited Organic volatile impurities See Method IV 467