Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Lochneridine
CAS Registry Number: 5980-01-8
CAS Name: (20a)-2,16-Didehydro-20-hydroxycuran-17-oic acid methyl ester
Molecular Formula: C20H24N2O3
Molecular Weight: 340.42
Percent Composition: C 70.56%, H 7.11%, N 8.23%, O 14.10%
Literature References: From Vinca rosea Linn., Apocynaceae: Svoboda et al., J. Pharm. Sci. 50, 409 (1961). Structure: Nakagawa et al., Chem. Ind. (London) 1962, 1986.
Properties: Prisms from methanol, dec 211-214°. [a]D26 +607.5° (chloroform). pKa 5.5 in 66% DMF. uv max (ethanol): 230, 293, 328 nm (log e 4.04, 3.94, 4.07).
pKa: pKa 5.5 in 66% DMF
Optical Rotation: [a]D26 +607.5° (chloroform)
Absorption maximum: uv max (ethanol): 230, 293, 328 nm (log e 4.04, 3.94, 4.07)
Status: This monograph has been retired and is no longer subject to revision or update.

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