Phenamacide Hydrochloride
Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Phenamacide Hydrochloride
CAS Registry Number: 31031-74-0
CAS Name: a-Aminobenzeneacetic acid 3-methylbutyl ester hydrochloride
Additional Names: 2-phenylglycine isopentyl ester hydrochloride; isopentyl 2-phenylglycinate hydrochloride; phenylaminoacetic acid isoamyl ester hydrochloride; isoamyl phenylaminoacetate hydrochloride
Trademarks: Aklonin (DDR)
Molecular Formula: C13H20ClNO2
Molecular Weight: 257.76
Percent Composition: C 60.58%, H 7.82%, Cl 13.75%, N 5.43%, O 12.41%
Literature References: Prepn: Klosa, Arch. Pharm. 285, 332 (1952). Pharmacology: Schultz et al., Pharmazie 25, 560 (1970).
Properties: Crystals, mp 154°.
Melting point: mp 154°
Therap-Cat: Antispasmodic.
Keywords: Antispasmodic.
Status: This monograph has been retired and is no longer subject to revision or update.

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