Not official USP-NF text
PF LGS# Brand Type of Test Additional Information
11(4) L3 None Cited Chromatographic purity 10-cm guard column.
14(6) L1 Nucleosil C18 Chromatographic purity Alternative column.
14(6) L1 Ultrasphere ODS Chromatographic purity 5-µm
11(4) L1 Ultrasphere ODS Chromatographic purity 5-µm analytical column
30(6) L1 XTerra RP 18 Limit of . . . . . . . . . Limit of monodechlorovancomycin. 4.6 mm x 25 cm. Alternative columns in the same dimensions: Eclipse XDB-C18 (Agilent) and Hypersil Gold C18 (Thermo Scientific).