Not official USP-NF text
PF LGS# Brand Type of Test Additional Information
15(6) L20 Chromegabond D(Diol) Assay Analytical column; editorial separation
15(6) L27 None cited Assay 50-cm saturator pre-column
13(5) L20 Chromegabond D(Diol) Assay & Chrom. purity arginine; analytical column
13(5) L27 None cited Assay & Chrom. purity arginine; 50-cm saturator pre-column
15(6) L20 Chromegabond D(Diol) Content (major) of . . . . arginine; analytical column; see Assay
15(6) L27 None cited Content (major) of . . . . arginine; 50-cm saturator pre-column; see Assay
13(5) L20 Chromegabond D(Diol) Identity See Assay
13(5) L27 None cited Identity Pre-column; see Assay
13(5) L20 Chromegabond D(Diol) Uniformity of dosage units Meet req.
13(5) L27 None cited Uniformity of dosage units Pre-column