
Nencki Reaction

M. Nencki, N. Sieber, J. Prakt. Chem. (2) 23, 147 (1881).

The ring acylation of phenols with acids in the presence of zinc chloride, or the modification of the Friedel-Crafts reaction, q.v., by substitution of ferric chloride for aluminum chloride.

M. Nencki, W. Schmid, ibid. 546; M. Nencki, ibid. 25, 273 (1882); U. S. Chiema, K. Venkataraman, J. Chem. Soc. 1932, 918; C. W. Schellhammer, Houben-Weyl 7/2a, 284 (1973); A. S. Anjaneyulu et al., Indian J. Chem. 33B, 847 (1994). Cf. Darzens-Nenitzescu Synthesis of Ketones.