
Betti Reaction

M. Betti, Gazz. Chim. Ital. 30 II, 301 (1900); 33 II, 2 (1903); F. Pirrone, ibid. 66, 518 (1936); 67, 529 (1937).

The reaction of aromatic aldehydes, primary aromatic or heterocyclic amines and phenols leading to α-aminobenzylphenols:

J. P. Phillips, Chem. Rev. 56, 286 (1956); J. P. Phillips, E. M. Barrall, J. Org. Chem. 21, 692 (1956). Early review: J. P. Phillips, Leach, Trans. K. Acad. Sci. 24(3-4), 95 (1964). Mechanistic study: H. Möhrle et al., Ber. 107, 2675 (1974). Stereoselectivity: C. Cardellicchio et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 9, 3667 (1998). Cf. Mannich Reaction.