
Claisen-Schmidt Condensation

L. Claisen, A. Claparède, Ber. 14, 2460 (1881); J. G. Schmidt, ibid. 1459.

Condensation of an aromatic aldehyde with an aliphatic aldehyde or ketone in the presence of a relatively strong base (hydroxide or alkoxide ion) to form an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde or ketone:

A. T. Nielsen, W. J. Houlihan, Org. React. 16, 1 (1968); H. O. House, Modern Synthetic Reactions (W. A. Benjamin, Menlo Park, California, 2nd ed., 1972) pp 632-639; J. A. Fine, P. Pulaski, J. Org. Chem. 38, 1747 (1973). Cf. Aldol Reaction.