
Bodroux Reaction

F. Bodroux, Bull. Soc. Chim. France 33, 831 (1905), 35, 519 (1906); 1, 912 (1907); Compt. Rend. 138, 1427 (1904); 140, 1108 (1905); 142, 401 (1906).

Formation of substituted amides by reaction of a simple aliphatic or aromatic ester with an aminomagnesium halide obtained by treatment of a primary or secondary amine with a Grignard reagent at room temperature:

H. L. Bassett, C. R. Thomas, J. Chem. Soc. 1954, 1188; K. Nützel, Houben-Weyl 13/2a, 278 (1973).